Free Consultations
15 minute phone conversation
Outline your concerns and determine if voice or upper airway therapy is right for you.
Review previous diagnostic testing and recommendations for further testing
Answer questions regarding the therapy process
Schedule an evaluation if appropriate
60 to 90 minutes
Review of any pertinent medical records relating to patient’s condition
This can be done prior to the visit when relevant documents are provided up to 48 hours in advance
In-depth interview to gather information on the complaint and its impact on your daily life
Acoustic analysis of the voice to collect baseline performance on standardized tasks
Education regarding anatomy and physiology related to your specific condition
NOTE some patients may be required to pursue an ENT evaluation prior to initiating therapy
Voice Therapy
50 minutes, 4-8 visits recommended
In-home or virtual appointments
Patients can be seen 2x per week, 1x per week, or every other week
Exercises tailored to your condition to build consistent strength, coordination, and relaxation of your system
Functional tasks tailored to your daily voice needs, for example speaking for extended periods of time, speaking over noise, or self-correcting in conversation
Chronic hoarseness or voice loss
Changes to singing range
Vocal fatigue
Pain or strain with voice use
Gender affirming voice therapy
Accent modification
Public Speaking
LSVT Voice Therapy for Parkinson’s
16 visits required
Patients are seen for 1-hour visits, 4 days per week, for 4 consecutive weeks
In-home or virtual appointments with acoustic analysis
Program guide and homework folder provided to patient
Maintenance appointments also available with increased complexity of tasks for patients who have already completed the initial program
Vocal loudness
Dysarthria/poor articulation
Rate of speech
Prosody/vocal variety
Chronic Cough/Upper Airway Therapy
50 minutes, 3-4 visits recommended
Patients can be seen 1x per week or every other week
In-home or virtual appointments
Inducible Laryngeal Obstruction (ILO)/Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD)
Disordered breathing that is not responsive to asthma or allergy treatment
Hypersensitive airway
Chronic globus sensation, aka “I feel like I’ve got something in my throat.”
Chronic, unproductive cough or throat clearing

Call 336.290.6375 to get started now!